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En scene

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Une ressemblance très étonnante

The arrival of a first grandchild provokes some rivalries between families.

Oeil pour cell, dent pour dent

Things are not as straightforward they seem at this upmarket restaurant.

En Scene Collection

En scene, a collection of 8 short plays.

Une bonne indispensable

The lady of the house is faced with the demands of a rebellious maid.


A lady of the night tries to steal another's client.

Les affaires sont affaires

New arrivals into the locality are not welcome - unless, that is, they have money.

Un jugement trop hâtif

A case of mistaken identity at a conference for scientists.

Une occasion à saisir

An unlucky house holds no fears for a husband with a domineering wife.

Une mauvaise nouvelle

A teenager brings home some bad news but tries to give her parents a wider view of life.

What better way to learn to speak French with confidence, than by performing short plays with fellow students?

Our humorous playlets are in well-written, intermediate level French. They vary from 2 to 5 in the number of players required. Choose how you do them: from a simple reading of parts around a table to a rehearsed performance. They can even be read and enjoyed in their own right as humorous dialogues.

Each playlet comes in a colourful folder containing a printed script for each player, a set of advisory notes for the teacher/leader, and a complete English translation of text. Delivery is free.